Legal Protection For Small Business

Legal Protection For Small Business

Running a business isn’t just a matter of finding a product or service to sell and then selling it, there’s a lot of planning, background set up and admin that goes into actually setting up your business to ensure it’s going to run successfully.

If you’re new to running a business, understanding some of those key concepts is essential. It’s a good idea to engage a small business lawyer, like TY in Chatswood if you have specific questions or are new to business.

Small business lawyers in Chatswood can offer small business legal advice, guidance and protection for your business ideas and plans.

Let’s take a look at some of the key ways small business lawyers in Chatswood can assist you with your business interests.

How TY Lawyers Chatswood Provides Legal Protection For Small Business

Some of the ways TY Lawyers Chatswood can assist with legal protection for small businesses include:

  1. Choosing a business structure

The primary types of business structures in Australia include sole traders, partnership, companies and trusts. So depending on your type of business and how it will be run, will affect which business structure you will set your business up as.

  1. Registering an ABN and a legal business name

A legal requirement of starting a business involves registering an ABN and a legal business name, which are both things TY Lawyers Chatswood can assist you with.

  1. Registering a trademark

With your new business idea, you may have a unique brand name, name of a product or services that you want to protect. This is your intellectual property. When registering a trademark, this ensures that others cannot copycat your ideas and it can cover things like logos, colour schemes, packaging styles, phrases, words, letters, sounds, tunes, smells or a combination of all these things.

  1. Licenses & permits

Depending on your business sector or industry, you may be required to gain licenses or permits to complete your work legally.

Your business type, business activity and location will be factors which could determine whether or not you will need a license or permit. Failure to comply with these requirements could result in your business facing fines or other consequences.

  1. Workplace relations

This covers the relationships and interactions of employers and employees and how these relationships should be managed.

  1. Asset protection

Protecting your assets if you have a business and how to go about it.

  1. Property leases

As small business lawyers, TY Lawyers Chatswood services also extend to commercial lease management, whether you’re a landlord or a commercial tenant.

TY can also assist if a commercial lease is in place, but there has been a dispute under the current lease set up.

  1. Advice for small businesses

All your business advice is covered by TY Lawyers Chatswood. The team have extensive experience working with small businesses and have a very thorough understanding of the commercial world.

Next Steps For Your Small Business

TY Lawyers team is available across Sydney to assist you with your small business legal protection requirements.

Get in touch today! Don’t hesitate to reach out to our friendly team at TY Lawyers Chatswood.

Call our office on: (02) 8007 0135 or email us on 

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